
Apple iPad is replaced by the cash register into the mainstream payment

Although mobile payment is still in early stages of development, but mobile devices, especially Apple products, wholesale electronic sales online has become the mainstream choice for U.S. retailers.

Currently, the U.S. National retailers are deploying mobile payment. According to the U.S. retailers Low's data released last week, the company has deployed in the United States and Canada, 42,000 handheld devices.
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Although some retailers did not disclose what is currently the main deployment of mobile payment devices, but in most cases, these retailers use Apple products, including iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. And while these devices are often used to accept payment,
online electronic stores in uk but many salespeople also use these devices to find answers to questions, and understand the product inventory and so on.

Global Bay Mobile Software, said the use of Apple products, retailers are moving more and more pay. The company said on Tuesday that will help retailers Pacific Sunware 300 home stores in the deployment of iPad. The company also plans next year 500 to 600 stores pay for the deployment of such equipment.

Global Bay CEO special (Sandeep Bhanote) said that according to his solutions in the mobile retail experience, Apple products are changing the market, and make mobile payment accepted by the public. Everyone wants to understand Apple's technology,
online electronic stores in uk and no one cares about Android and the previous generation equipment. Apple's retail industry is currently the world, but this situation may change next year. Google, Square and Verifone and other companies are also actively explore the recent mobile payments market.

Ba Nuote said, Global Bay in November last year for the first time to deploy iPad, was a company called Things Remembered in the mall, while the iPad is a self-service equipment to use.
wholesale electronic sales online iPad can make the user experience smoother.

